Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Heart of a Warrior

With all that I had going on today I decided to take a relaxing run out on the trail just to clear my mind, talk to God and listen to some inspiring music. All was going well as I was praying about those that I come in contact with and how my life is to reflect Christ. As I was approaching an older man who was speed walking, I began to think about how proud of him I was. This probably sounds quite odd, but I was proud of him for not being lazy like 70% of normal Americans. I passed by him and he gave me the thumbs-up and smiled. In return I chuckled and managed to say "thanks". Something was different about that man. In that moment I asked God to be with him, to heal him and bless him. Though I knew nothing about him I felt like I had a reason for coming in contact with him.

I was now on my way back and nearing the last mile of my run and I came from behind the man, and I said great job there. He replied with "hey, great job to you, keep it up." Still I had this longing to know more about this nice man.

One last time I passed him heading back to my mom and he said to me "thank you for your encouragement" and I said " no thank you that was very kind of you." He asked me if I could talk to him for a moment and I said absolutely. At that moment millions of thoughts flooded my mind... His first few words were "This past year I have been battling Pancreatic Cancer, and these past six months I have been doing chemotherapy." Then he continued to tell me that he used to be a runner in high school and he continued it throughout his life. Now he believes that the reason he is winning this fight against pancreatic cancer is because he stayed healthy and strong through his years. With that he explained how great it was that I was out staying active and healthy and how much it benefits our lives in the future, he strongly encouraged me to keep it up my whole life. I thanked this man for telling me his story and I agreed that I am going to do my best to stay fit. Our conversation concluded and right before we began going our seperate ways I said to him "God Bless" at that moment he said thank you so much. Thats all it took.

Today was not an ordinary day for me, it was a day I will remember and one that I truely look onto my life and count all my blessings. I knew by the look in his eyes this man I met today had the heart of a warrior. He was not ready to give up like many do, but he was going to battle with all that he had.